Friday, October 06, 2006

Chapter Sixteen Down

Finished Chapter Sixteen. It weighs in at 2700 words, which is about right. I clipped the action off sooner than I'd expected ... as they were going up the stairs, basically. But it felt right.

Sexy scene on the stairs. Oh good.

Two bits of minor plot action did not get included in Chapter Sixteen and must be handled as backstory in scene two of Chapter Seventeen.
(Or in the beginning of Chapter Eighteen, depending on how stuff gets chopped up.)

One lovely sweet piece of stage business with the tea cups did not occur and may now never see the light of day. It hurts to abandon those lovely words. Le sniff.

Anyhow ... my next scene is about written out. One more read through and I'll add it to the tally. We proceed.

Starbucks to work today. I picked it for their comfy chairs and their huge windows that let me look out over the rain falling across the desolation of a plowed up field.

Starbucks has harsher coffee than Panera and no good savory pastries. Its sandwiches do not appeal to me. But the Starbuck's staff is considerably better trained. Starbuck's comfy chairs are next to the window, and that is what mattered today. At Panera I like fixing myself three small tiny cups of coffee instead of being handed one large one that gets cold before I drink it. And I like Panera's all-you-want ice tea, though I actually like the taste of Starbucks black tea much better, (which is odd because I'm sure it has bergamot in it and I was sure I didn't like bergamot.) Starbucks has better music. And Java Java has fair trade, really good coffee and great sandwiches, but their comfy chairs are in a distant dark corner, not at the window.

Choices choices.

Did crit on three exercises for the Forum. We're doing one kind of POV switch, the most abbreviated form I know. As this is not something I ever do meself I am learning more than I teach.
Happens that way, sometimes.

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