Sunday, May 06, 2012

Print Publication or Self Publication


  1. Good heavens! That took a lot of work. But it sets it out very neatly.

  2. If I ever reach the "Let's publish this puppy" step, I'm not sure I'll be calling the ms anything as fuzzy and cute as "puppy."

    More like "let's publish this mad dog which keeps gnashing it's foaming teeth at me."

    Because, editing it for the 348th time makes me hate it. A little.

  3. "It's." Nice. Time for bed.

  4. No speaking in public!! Yup, that's why I'm still querying. I don't mind sitting behind a desk and signing, though...

  5. Hi Crystal,

    I know. I am totally typoville. They do not let me out in public without a copyeditor.

  6. I was just looking at the various sorts of e-publication for somebody who asked about it. Ye gods that are a lot of options.

  7. Not keen on public speaking but it's something that I would probably be able to overcome - therefore, I'm at 'Let's Print This Puppy' stage.

    Great post, thanks.

  8. *g* A very fine place to be.

  9. Love this and its mix of info and funnies. I think I'll bookmark this page for future reference!

  10. Glad you find it useful. This is one of those disputes where just about everybody is right.

  11. i really like this but theres one branch/line missing? after "are you just suffering frm writers angst". shld be an option "no" then advice to set it aside (for x period of time) and start something else? this is great how it lays it out! has someone other than your mother/partner/friends read it?
