There are still THREE people to buy presents for.
(a) Your Cousin Sylvia, aka 'Translucent', the once and future flowerchild, lives in Bend, Oregon;
(b) Your brother Neiman, the oil geologist who your mother keeps reminding you earns such a good living, is in Yellow Knife, Northwest Territory;
(c) and in New York City, your old friend Stephanie continues to be an actress-model and general all-round flake.
You have not sent them presents yet.
Have I got a deal for you.
Remember I said, The Spymaster's Lady was coming in audio book?

It came out in WONDERFUL audiobook.
The reader -- Kristin Potter -- is just great. The audiobook is rated at 4.5 which is phenom!
You can hear a sample here or here.
And here's a review of the audiobook at Amazon.
You can buy the audiobook here, here, and here,
You're allowed to download the audiobook to four computers and three devices.
I should also remind you that your Cousin Mary has a kobo (or nook,) (or a kindle,) and you can give any of my books as a gift direct to her kobo, (or nook,) (or kindle.) Here, (or Here,) (or Here,) tells you how to do it.
There. Panic Holiday gift-giving made easy.
I'm so happy to know that the books are on Kindle! I've gotten 2, just to have with me when I need a fix.
ReplyDeleteIt would be interesting to know how Kindle v. paper does in this. My feeling as a reader is that eventually books will be mostly ebooks, with the ones you know you will want to re-read be available in paper, maybe on print on demand. I love reading books on my iPhone (I can read when the people I'm meeting are late, or when in line at the grocery store) but will always want some books in paper. I don't have a huge house, and so unfortunately can't keep every book I've ever bought. I love to be able to take books with me, even those for which I have paper copies.
I'm fairly sure the e-book reader will be in everyone's knapsack ten years from now.
ReplyDeleteWhat I am hoping for a decade from now is a reader that accepts any kind of file and is not vulnerable to editing or 'taking' once the file is installed. I want search features. I want to take notes and add them to the text.
And I want fiction e-books to be cheaper. The savings, when print, storage and shipping are no longer necessary, should be passed along to the reader.