Friday, April 16, 2021

Good Deed for the Day

 Did my good deed for the day.

I saw on my local Next Door loop that somebody had spotted a lost rabbit near me.
White bunny with b ears.

"Ah. Poor Lost Bunny" thinks I to myself.

Then I saw a rabbit in my back yard that afternoon -- white with brown ears -- and I figured I had found the bunny.

It came to my attention as it ran in and out and around and under the storage shed at the bottom of the garden,
dodging  a pack of little kids who were trying to catch it with lettuce and carrots and what turned out upon closer examination to be a parsnip.

There were eight kids,
from age nine downward,
contributed by the neighbors on both sides.

By the time I got my shoes on and collected the cat carrier and went out
there were also two fathers, two mothers, and an abuela.

So I let everybody discuss the matter at length for forty minutes or so
while the rabbit hid in the gopher holes under the storage shed

Then it was time for dinner
and everybody got dragged home
promising to come catch the rabbit tomorrow
and I was left alone with the logomorph.

I  went to sit in the grass near the storage shed and wartched the trees.
After a bit,  the bunny came out.
It was really a tame little rabbit.

The bunny ate violets
and I sang Ella Fitzgerald songs to it
(Someone to Watch Over Me and Cry Me a River mostly..

Slooowly I inched  my butt closer
song by song.
The sun began to set.

SNAP! I grabbed it
and put it in the cat carrier.

I took it to the SPCA. I was messing about in the dark and trying to figure out how to get the little bunny transferred from the cat carrier to one of the cages they have there to receive lost animals after business hours ...
one last employee saw me and came to help and took the bunny off my hands.

I hope the owners come find it.

If not, it is so beautiful and friendly I just know someone will adopt it as soon as the six day waiting period is up.

It was a good day.


  1. So lovely to find you chatting here. This reminds me of the scene with the rabbit at the very beginning of The Forbidden Rose. Marguerite also does a good deed, setting it free.

  2. It's all terribly, terribly symbolic in Forbidden Rose.

    One of my rooted objections to Real Life is that it doesn't have enough symbolic moments.
